From the Executive Director
Greetings, fellow Patriots!
It seems every week the national and local news gets worse. Just within the past 2 weeks we’ve had our elections “nationalized” through executive order, unemployment numbers unmasked an abysmal picture of the job market, 2nd Amendment rights continued to be assaulted, apparently another massive cache of bullets was ordered by the federal government, and a “secret” deal to allow illegal aliens citizenship was being crafted. Right here in the Commonwealth, the Transportation (Tax) Bill not only survived, but was actually made worse through amendments! Our own “conservative” Republican representatives fleeced the flock with an unnecessary tax hike, well beyond the wildest dreams of even the greediest of Democrats. Worse yet, they allowed Obamacare into the Commonwealth! Things are going from bad to worse in a hurry! What to do?
I’ll tell you what we can do—plenty! The Richmond Tea Party is swinging into action! Our robo-call campaign against those who voted for the Transportation (Tax) Bill (HB2313) has awakened their constituents, put delegates on notice that their actions are unacceptable, and (most importantly) laid the foundation for future campaigns to “throw the bums out” and replace them with true Patriots! The RTP is also creating a network of cooperation with like-minded groups. In the last two weeks, I have met with leaders of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, the Henrico Tea Party, Mechanicsville tea Party, Peninsula Patriots, and the 1st District Alliance (made up of leaders from the 1st Congressional District). All have offered mutual cooperation. I believe strongly in a concentration of forces to achieve victories!
We are advancing in other areas, as well. The Richmond Times-Dispatch published a ½-page piece on the goals of the Richmond Tea Party in last Sunday’s paper, which gave us positive exposure to millions of readers (I must add that the T-D was very professional, friendly, and fair). In addition, 20 RTP supporters are getting ready to attend a candidate “vetting” at the end of the month, which will enable us to ask questions of every candidate running for Lt. Gov. and Attorney General. This will aid us in choosing the most liberty-minded candidates to support at the GOP Convention in May.
Probably the most important development in the fight against our enemies is happening right here within the Richmond tea Party—the renewed enthusiasm of our own volunteers! Recent offers of time, talent, and resources have been very uplifting! Now, we’re ready for action! In the next couple of weeks, we will initiate Operation “Local Action,” through which local and state politicians will be monitored, engaged, and held accountable by “We the People.” Other “Action Teams” will soon be involved in outreach, P/R, marketing, activism, education, government affairs, research and training. Moreover, plans are being laid for the replacement of incumbents who have recently proven “unfaithful.”
So, when the next batch of bad news comes along, don’t just scream at the television or rip up the newspaper. Instead, do something about it! Join us, fight back, and win!
In Liberty,
Larry Nordvig