We would love to have your involvement in the Richmond Tea Party. We are 100% volunteer, 100% of the time, so the only way things get done is if YOU decide to step to the plate. We have an amazing team with almost 200 volunteers. Congress has spent decades growing the size of our national government. We need all hands on deck to stop the insanity. If you have the time and interest, we have a spot for you!

Once you look through our committee / initiative descriptions, you can sign up for a committee by going here. Please allow 3-5 days for a response, since we are an all volunteer organization and have our day jobs!

1. Activism – Coordinates rallies, protests, and events to activate Tea Party members to promote the Tea Party principles. The activities include education seminars, debates and election strategies.

2. Community Events – Participates in a wide variety of Richmond community events throughout the year (e.g. Spring Show, Goochland Fair, Watermelon Festival, Home Show, Hanover Tomato Festival, etc) where we will have a booth or table to share with people more about the Tea Party. We hand out literature, sell merchandise, sign up people to learn more about RTP. We look for people to work a few hours at these events.

3. Community Outreach – Proactively reaching out to the college students, African Americans, Hispanics and other communities to share with them the core Tea Party principles of limited government, fiscal restraint, Constitutional adherence, free markets, and virtue and accountability and answer their questions.

4. Education – Develop education programs for adults, college and high school students on the Constitution, history of our Founders, economics, current public policy issues, etc. This education is both an ongoing process as well as support for upcoming legislative action

5. Fundraising – Responsible for raising the needed funds to promote our five core principles, advocate Tea Party legislation, conduct voter registration drives, offer education courses, provide bus trips to DC, etc. We are 100% volunteer, so all funds go directly to advancing the Tea Party cause.

6. Legislative – Proposes and advocates Richmond Tea Party legislation to the Virginia General Assembly that is consistent with our core principles of limited government, fiscal restraint, Constitutional adherence, free markets, and virtue and accountability. We engage in citizen lobbying of legislature, finding co-patrons of Tea Party legislation, and tracking the Virginia budget.  

7. Marketing/Media – Focus on pro-actively defining the Tea Party movement, our five core principles and our 2010 agenda through the use of traditional and social media and use of marketing tools. Help promote and profile activities of the other RTP committees.

8. Membership – First point of contact for people wanting to be more involved in the Richmond Tea Party. This committee responds to emails and phone calls and makes first contact with those who sign up to be on our email list or express interest in joining a committee. Provide administrative support to other committees as well.

9. Research – Research how politicians are voting on federal and state legislation, keep Tea Party supporters informed on public policy initiatives, and provide research for candidate voter guides during elections.

10. Small Business – Provides forum for small business community to network with other patriots businesses, partner on advocating legislation, and assist in building the brand equity of the Richmond Tea Party.

11. Writing – Using RTP’s blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and email blasts, we communicate truth about and perspective on current events related to RTP’s five core principles. We also keep our supporters informed of any activities they may want to participate in.


Found what you are interested in? Now SIGN UP HERE to let us know.