Our victory made the front page of the Washington Post today. They gave great coverage to our huge victory on health care freedom in the Democrat-controlled State Senate today, with acknowledgment being given to the Tea Party:
Virginia’s Democratic-controlled state Senate passed measures Monday that would make it illegal to require individuals to purchase health insurance, a direct challenge to the party’s efforts in Washington to reform health care.
The bills, a top priority of Virginia’s “tea party” movement, were approved 23 to 17 as five Democrats who represent swing areas of the state joined all 18 Republicans in the chamber in backing the legislation.
The votes came less than a week after President Obama implored Democrats in Washington not to abandon their health-care efforts, urging them in his State of the Union address not to “run for the hills” on the issue.
But the action in Virginia, a state that backed Obama in 2008, could indicate that the president is failing to reassure members of his own party that current reform efforts remain worthwhile. The votes also suggest that Democrats on the state level fear that supporting health-care reform could be politically damaging, and their action could put pressure on members of the state’s congressional delegation who have been behind the effort.
“It doesn’t make it easier,” said Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, who voted for health-care legislation and is one of several Virginia Democrats facing a strong challenge this year.
The reporter assesses the political climate accurately. Congressman Connolly sees the predicament with a Democrat-controlled State Senate laying down the gauntlet. Even Perriello and Webb have gone on record and stated that the health care bill needs a reassessment. Polls have continually shown that Virginians overwhelmingly do not want nationally mandated health insurance.
The Virginia Tea Parties continue to exert their influence and Richmond Tea Party is playing a critical role in shaping the outcome of this 10th Amendment legislation. We targeted 6 State Senate Democrats and received the support of 5 of them. The Virginia Tea Party has a local Tea Party in 5 of the districts of the State Senate Democrats we targeted. The article closed with the following:
The concept was a major focus of a rally by tea party activists last month that drew more than 1,000 to Richmond. Jamie Radtke, chairman of the Federation of Virginia Tea Party Patriots, said that it was a focus of major lobbying by volunteers who affiliate with such groups in Virginia and that the vote showed they are achieving bipartisan support.
“This is a major victory for our movement,” Radtke said.
This accomplishment today was only possible because of the hard work and cooperative partnership of a huge coalition of patriots. Bravo Virginia!