The controversy surrounding the ubiquitous democrat party fundraising platform “ActBlue” is exploding across the country, to include specifically here in Virginia. For some background, it was uncovered last year that the ActBlue fundraising platform was likely being used to submit/accumulate illegal “straw donations” to its election operations coffers. Many citizens were shocked to find out that someone was submitting donations to ActBlue in their name, sometimes totaling tens of thousands of dollars over hundreds of transactions, none of which were claimed by the alleged donator.

Strangely enough, when the evidence of this happening was first exposed, the GOP didn’t really seem all that interested. You’d think that if it was determined that democrats (and other leftist activist orgs) were obtaining donations illegally that they would want to stop it, but no…very little initial movement.

Fast-forward to today, and now Virginia Attorney General Miyares has asked ActBlue some background details of what’s happening on their platform. He’s given ActBlue until August 12th to respond.

This could have serious ramifications for the campaigns of some of the democrat candidates/politicians here in Virginia, like Rep. Abigail Spanberger who is running for VA Governor. Some questions have been asked across Rep. Spanberger’s social media accounts, but there’s been no response to the potential scandal to date.

Some background coverage: