From the desk of Senator Mark Obenshain   

ACTION ALERT: Opponents Planning
Assault on Property Rights Amendment 

Please Contact Your Senator Immediately to Insist on a Vote
for the Property Rights Amendment (Obenshain’s SJ 3)!


I don’t write often to ask for help, but I need it now!!! We have been fighting for a Property Rights Amendment to Virginia’s Constitution for 6 years – and we are on the cusp of sending one to the voters for approval. However, all that is at risk. Without your help, the Amendment may die on Friday or Monday.


First, let me explain what’s going on, and then I am going to ask you to help by sending an email to your Senator as soon as you can — tonight if possible.


To pass a constitutional amendment, it must be approved by the General Assembly twice in succeeding years and in exactly the same form. Then the amendment must be approved at the ballot box by the voters.


Last year, the Property Rights Amendment passed with HUGE bipartisan majorities (the fact that it was an election year no doubt helped). This year, the amendment sailed out of a Senate Committee with a bipartisan 13-2 vote — with all eight Republicans and five of the committee’s seven Democrats in support. As things now stand, the full Senate should vote on the amendment on Monday, and if it passes the House, it goes straight to the voters in November.


Unfortunately, opponents of the Property Rights Amendment have one more play: they want to send the amendment to the Senate Finance Committee — WHERE IT WILL DIE.  Let me be clear, if SJ 3 is recommitted to Senate Finance, we will never see it again.


Now, HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO.  I need you to contact your Senator and tell him or her to VOTE NO on any motion to send the Property Rights Amendment to the Senate Finance Committee. Our property rights are way too important.


If opponents want to kill the Amendment, let them do it in the light of day – it’s easy. If the effort to send the Property Rights Amendment to the Finance Committee fails, then on Monday the Senate as a whole will get an up or down vote on the measure.  Last year 35 Senators voted for the amendment. If they voted for it in an election year, is it too much to ask them to do it now?


To help you contact your Senator, I’ve created a form that will help you get out your message. Click here to let your Senator know that you expect SJ 3 to get an up or down floor vote.


Thank you for your help and support on this critically important issue!  Please don’t wait – contact your Senator now, and forward this email to others who may be interested in doing likewise. (If you would rather call, please do so before 10 am on Friday; click here for a list of phone numbers.)


Best regards,

Mark Obenshain


P.S. Please contact your Senator today in support of a vote for SJ 3!

Authorized and paid for by Friends of Mark Obenshain  |  540.437.1451  |  ma**@ma***********.com