If you live in Chesterfield, New Kent, or Powhatan Counties and want to be a delegate to the Republican Party Convention, Monday March 4th is the last day to get your paperwork submitted. Unless you complete this form and submit it before the deadlines for each county, you will not be included in the convention process to select Republican candidates for the upcoming Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General races. Remember that there is NO primary election this year….if you intend to vote Republican, this is your only shot.

Your delegate forms are here (.pdf files):
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[sws_blue_box box_size=”450″]


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There’s little time to mail, so you need to act quickly (tonight/tomorrow at latest). Postmarks don’t matter, so if you don’t believe that you can make the mail deadline, you should arrange to deliver in-person.

If you want to be included in the convention, click the appropriate link above, read the instructions, and fill out/return the form now!


Chesterfield Mar 4 at 6pm
New Kent Mar 4 at 5pm
Powhatan Mar 4 at 7pm

More info for your locale HERE.