we might have a repeat of this.

So, what can you do?  You can get involved in the 50-50-50+ Campaign.

50 – 50 – 50+
$50.  50 names.  Or 50 miles.  At least.

Donate $50 to a campaign.  Call 50 names in a district. Or drive 50 miles-plus to work in a district.

Several candidates for the Virginia Senate are TEA Party-minded folks who could use our help.

If you are of means, the least time consuming thing you can do is send at least one candidate $50.

If you don’t mind making some phone calls, call 50 people in a candidate’s district.  The campaign will gladly provide you with a list of 50 names and a script.  Odds are that you will leave 35 messages on voice mail, you will reach ten disconnected or bad numbers, and you will speak for two minutes to five people, all of this in about one hour.

If you are truly convicted and convinced that a candidate could use your help, then drive at least 50 miles to that candidate’s district and volunteer for him or her putting up yard signs, delivering palm cards door to door, or walking neighborhoods talking to people.


It’s a beautiful number worth investing that could produce great dividends come Election Day.

If you would like to review candidates on your own, you may find all of them at this non-partisan Web site, www.vpap.org.

If you would like some guidance regarding whom you could support, respond to  te**************@ri**************.com.

13 days.  They will go by quickly.  Whom will you support, and how will you support him or her?  Act now!