From the Virginia Voters Alliance:
The Governor hasn’t signed SB1 (the voter id bill) yet, and is considering vetoing it because the GA took out his amendment that allowed local election boards to simply compare signatures on provisional ballots and registration cards in order to eliminate the need for a voter without ID to bring in proof of identity after the election.
If he vetoes it, we are back to the situation where thousands of voters without ID can simply sign a form saying they are who they claim to be, and then vote a regular ballot, with no followup, as happened in 2008.
The Left has been lobbying him hard to veto it so the election can be more easily stolen.
THEREFORE, we need to have thousands of calls going to the Governor’s office (804-786-2211) in the next few days urging him to sign SB1, or else we will be at greater risk of losing Virginia in the Fall election.
John Kwapisz, Legislative Director
Virginia Voters Alliance