On Thursday night (9/25/2014), RTP held its monthly meeting for September, and it was great to see everyone in our new meeting location! We heard that there were a few that found it hard to find the location, so we’ll be sure to share more specific information so that you can find us for our NEXT meeting!

First on the agenda was to discuss voter fraud/election integrity. We welcomed Reagan George from the Virginia Voters Alliance to the meeting, and he presented some very concerning information regarding the state of election integrity today. He also shared with us the current effort underway to cross-check voters across multiple states, to hopefully ferret out where illegal/improper voting may be occurring. A huge thanks to Reagan for coming down from Northern Virginia…I95 is not a fun place to be to make it to Richmond for 7PM.

Learn all about the Virginia Voters Alliance here: http://www.virginiavotersalliance.com/. See below to view or download Reagan’s presentations. Reagan’s contact information is in the presentation, or you may email him at: Reagan George

Finally, we had a discussion about volunteerism and the need for more people to get engaged. Gilbert Wilkerson gave some impassioned comments about the need to get involved, and that tea parties don’t exist without manpower resources to sustain them. There was also brief discussion about (3) specific volunteer openings:

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  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Events Coordinator
  • Small Business/Outreach Coordinator


If you didn’t come out tonight, you missed some great content. We hope to see you for our next meeting…don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, toss us a donation, or even decide to volunteer.

See you next time!


Pictures from the evening:



Virginia Voters Alliance


Virginia Voters Alliance Crosscheck Strategy by Eric McGrane