4th District Democrat House Representative Donald McEachin, who replaced outgoing Republican Congressman Randy Forbes when he abandoned his district to run in the 2nd, will be having town hall events in the area in August.
Chesterfield on the 24th, and Henrico on the 29th. (Note that the Chester event is perfectly timed to coincide for when you’re liking driving home from work, so plan with your employer accordingly)
Obviously government runs best when scrutinized closely and after feedback offered. Be a part of driving Virginia’s direction, and make plans NOW to attend in your area.
As a reminder, Congressman McEachin is generally opposed to just about everything that aligns with tea party values. Yes, he’s only been in congress a short time, but he’s already secured a liberty score of “F” (0%) from Conservative Review (see below). His ideas (and voting record) are directly opposed to your views. Perhaps you should let him know what you think about that.
From the congressman’s newsletter: