Over the past several years, judges across this country have increasingly turned to laws and precedents in other countries when deciding cases. This is unconstitutional per Article VI, clause 2, of the US Constitution. Virginia has decided to join other states in clearly outlining its public policy intent that its courts may only use American laws and precedents. HB 825 does just that.
HB 825 passed out of a subcommittee, 7-1, and then a full committee, 10-6. Under normal procedures, this would have brought it to the full House for a vote. But during debate on the House floor Thursday, a member of the subcommittee who voted for the bill, Del. Kilgore, made a motion for the bill to be re-referred back to the subcommittee for additional consideration. This is highly unusual.
According to the bill’s sponsor, “concerns about commercial contract law and religious freedom … are unfounded because of the last line of the bill which allows the courts to continue to consider foreign law in cases where the U.S. or Virginia Constitutions or Virginia or Federal law requires or authorizes such consideration. This would continue to allow the application of foreign law in commercial contract law and ecclesiastical cases. However, I was willing to have Delegates Albo and LeMunyon amend my legislation to specifically spell out that commercial contract law was exempted from this law to continue to allow businesses that have entered in to contracts with foreign companies under their laws to have that considered in any litigation here in Virginia. This apparently was not sufficient for Delegate Kilgore and so the bill was sent back to committee.”
Here’s what will happen Friday, the last day this bill could be considered; otherwise, it will die. The subcommittee will meet immediately after the general House session ends, and consider this bill only. It will then be considered by the full committee along with its regular docket of bills. So, this is a TWO-PART REQUEST.
FIRST, please contact the MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE before noon, and ask them to support the bill in subcommittee.
SECOND, please contact the remaining MEMBERS OF THE FULL COMMITTEE before noon, and ask them to support the bill in full committee.
Yours for Freedom,
Joe Guarino, chairman
Legislative Committee
Richmond TEA Party