We’re 4 days out from the April 18th Tax Day Rally, and we’re at $8,200 of $10,000 needed for the rally. Can you help push us through to the finish line so that the rally can be fully funded? We’re a small group of volunteers with zero corporate sponsers, so we rely upon donations to pull of these events.
Please help us CONTINUE TO SEND THE MESSAGE to Washington that spending is wildly out of control and that we are STILL paying attention to their outrageous fiscal irresponsibility and malfeasance. As evidenced by this past week’s shenanigans with the continuing budget resolution, the D.C. politicians clearly need further “encouragement” to do the right thing.
If you are in a position to do so, please consider donating today! If you are a past contributor, we thank you for your support.
If you are a business and would like to consider a sponsorship (which includes recognition/promotion for your business), see our event sponsorships page.
See you Monday!
Richmond Tea Party is a non-profit organization, and has filed for 501(C) (4) status with the IRS. Contributions are not tax-deductible.
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
~Thomas Jefferson