Today is Lobby Day in Virginia at the General Assembly. There are a number of events underway tomorrow as we work to lobby our legislators to support freedom-minded bills. One of our coalition partners (Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance) is hold an event tomorrow at the capitol at 4PM, and will be in the general assembly for the day. Even if you can’t travel to the capitol Monday. you can still support medical freedom in Virginia! From our friends at VAMFA:


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! VAMFA members will be there from 8 am on, meeting with legislators until the Stop the Shots Rally at 4 pm.

Join us on Monday, January 16, at Lobby Day as we visit with legislators about medical freedom-related bills at the Pocahontas Building, 900 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Below is a map and directory with office room numbers for the legislators.  Look for VAMFA members in VAMFA T-shirts and “Stop the Shots” red stickers!

 Rally at the Bell Tower on Capitol Grounds at 4 pm  

Some of our guest speakers at 4:00pm on Jan. 16th include:

Robert W. Malone, MD

Sheila M. Furey, MD

Matt Strickland of Gourmeltz

Constitutional Law Attorney Jonathan Emord

Senator Amanda Chase

Karen Reardon of No Mandates VA

and other speakers!

Please allow extra time for parking. Click here for no parking zones and closed roads in effect for Lobby Day. There are multiple options for parking in the area, click here for some parking options. 

Click here for the

House and Senate Office Directory,

Pocahontas Building.

Click here for a list of PRO-medical freedom bills.

**Legislative Recap**

Senate Bill 793 – Prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19.
The Senate Health Professions Subcommittee voted against this bill despite support from the only physician on the subcommittee, Dr. Dunnavant. Senator Chase presented a strong argument in favor of this bill, along with three VAMFA members in support and zero arguments against other than Senator Hashmi, who referred to Ivermectin as “horse paste.” Somehow she missed that in Africa, Asia, and South and Central America a large proportion of the population (including infants, children under 5 years and pregnant women) take these medications on a regular basis to prevent and treat malaria.

**Action Alert**

Senate Bill 849 – Smart Meter Installation
Senator Amanda Chase is sponsoring a bill to stop the installation of smart/wireless meters in your home/business without consent. Smart meters transmit toxic electromagnetic radiation to living spaces that make people ill. Many are unaware that they have a smart meter on their home. This bill, with the expected amendment from Chase, requires utility companies to inform you if you have a smart meter on your home, instructs the utility to remove and replace it, at your request and at no cost to you, and prevents utilities from installing these meters without your consent beginning July 1, 2023. We expect this bill to be introduced in the Senate Commerce & Labor Committee this week or next.

This bill will be heard in the Senate Commerce & Labor Committee.
Talking points from

1. Cancer & RF Radiation. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) from non-ionizing radiation-emitting devices (such as “smart” meters, cell phones, and wifi) are a Class 2B possible cancer-causing agent in the same category as lead, DDT, and chloroform. Studies show DNA breaks and damage.
2. “Smart” meters pulse RF radiation up to 190,000 times/ day at levels hundreds of times stronger than that which have been found to cause serious health problems. Children, pregnant women, seniors, those with immune deficiencies, medical conditions, pacemakers and implants are especially at risk.
3. Upon installation of “smart” meters and infrastructure, some people report headaches, ringing ears, dizziness, breathing problems, insomnia, nausea, cognitive problems, memory loss, muscle spasms, rashes, heart problems, and even seizures. Some have had to abandon their homes. Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) increases with exposure.
4. Time bomb: Peer-reviewed science confirms many harmful effects of EMF-emitting technologies like “smart” meters. At first, the dangers of smoking and asbestos were ignored. Many illnesses, like cancer, take years to develop. Will you allow the utilities to put your family’s health at risk?
5. “Adverse neurological effects have been reported in people who sustain close proximity to wireless meters, especially under 10 feet,” say 54 experts in 20 countries, including Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley School of Public Health and David Carpenter, Director, University of Albany NY Institute for Health and the Environment.
Please contact your legislator and members of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee (see below) and ask them to support this bill. Please call and email each member.

Sample Phone Call:
“Hi, my name is (your name) and I am calling to urge Senator (their last name) to vote YES on Senate Bill 849 with Senator Chase’s amendment. Please stop the installation of a “smart”/wireless meter on my (home and/or business) without my consent. “Smart” meters transmit toxic electromagnetic radiation to living spaces. The meters make people ill and many are unaware that they have a “smart” meter on their home. This bill mandates utility companies to inform us and remove and replace a “smart” meter if we do not consent to it. Support this bill to ensure voluntary and informed freedom of choice about exposure of individuals and families to toxic radiation in our homes and to stop coercion and intimidation by utility companies. Thank you!”

Senator Barker 804-698-7539
Senator Bell 804-698-7513
Senator Deeds 804-698-7525
Senator Ebbin 804-698-7530
Senator Edwards 804-698-7521
Senator Lewis Jr.804-698-7506
Senator Lucas 804-698-7518
Senator Marsden 804-698-7537
Senator Mason 804-698-7501
Senator Newman 804-698-7523
Senator Norment 804-698-7503
Senator Obenshain 804-698-7526
Senator Spruill 804-698-7505
Senator Surovell 804-698-7536

If you only have time to call a few Senators please focus on the five above in bold blue text.

Copy all of these addresses at the same time and paste into the “To” line of your email. Enter “SB 849 — SUPPORT” in the subject line.















Dear Senator,

I am a Virginian (or one of your constituents) and urge you to vote YES on Senate Bill 849 with Senator Chase’s amendment.

Please stop the installation of a “smart”/wireless meter on my (home and/or business) without my consent. “Smart” meters transmit toxic electromagnetic radiation to living spaces. The meters make people ill and many are unaware that they have a “smart” meter on their home. This bill mandates utility companies to inform us and remove and replace a “smart” meter if we do not consent to it. Support this bill to ensure voluntary and informed freedom of choice about exposure of individuals and families to toxic radiation in our homes and to stop coercion and intimidation by utility companies.

Vote YES on Senate Bill 849 with Senator Chase’s amendment!

(full name)