Empowering We the People

Are you tired of big, corrupted government? Sick of the Constitution being ignored? Want to keep more of your money? Then be part of a nationwide revolution that is shifting the balance of power from the politicians back to We the People.

We are a non-partisan, grassroots community seeking to preserve and expand liberty through citizen participation in the political process. Our core principles are:

  • Constitutional adherance
  • Limited government
  • Fiscal restraint
  • Virtue and accountability
  • Free markets

Join the Richmond Tea Party!

Here is how:

  • Sign up for one of our volunteer committees to make a real difference. We are an all-volunteer organization. The only way we change the country and Virginia is with your help.
  • Sign up at the top of the page to receive our email blasts so you can stay on top of the latest breaking information and keep informed on upcoming events.
  • Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to network with other conservatives and receive timely information.
  • And consider making a donation at the top of the page. We are all-volunteer and live on a shoe string budget, but it still takes money to put on events, charter buses, pay for IT services, and print materials. Your $25 donation will go a long ways.