Up to now Mr. Warner was talking about all of the cost savings that will come from the health care legislation. With the anger against this bill growing, it appears to us as if the good senator is looking for cover:
Five Democratic senators urged the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, on Thursday to include a “fail-safe mechanism” in the final version of major health care legislation in order to guarantee the hundreds of billions of dollars in projected government savings that are intended to help pay for the bill.
In a letter to Mr. Reid, the five senators urge that the legislation include some sort of fast-track and fail-safe mechanism that they said would give Congress “the tools to keep cost under control should the current savings estimates fail to materialize.”
The letter was signed by Senators Evan Bayh of Indiana, Michael Bennet of Colorado, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Mark Warner of Virginia.
One wonders what these “the tools to keep cost under control should the current savings estimates fail to materialize” might be. Can you say tax increase/rationing?
Read the Complete Article here