Aaron Mills wrote a post for Red State Virginia (a new website where I’m also a blogger) about the proper focus for our efforts in the battle to save the Republic. A few highlights:
This is a war that we are in, but it is not a war with guns and bombs. In many respects this is a shouting match, but not one where we must protest more, or more often. This is a war for the minds of America. Our country is in dire straits financially. We are going to default on our debts if we continue down this path, that can not be understated or misunderstood. The promise of future generations is being squandered by greedy men in Washington DC. This is a war of ideas. …
This is not a war of Generals strategically moving armies of men against each other. This is a war of neighbors trying to wake each other up. We are fighting against generations of uninformed consumers who lack the basic understanding of how their own government works. We are fighting against a culture that is more interested in who Paris Hilton is sleeping with than who is stealing from them. …
The battlefields of this war are all over our cities at water coolers, bar stools, restaurant tables, living rooms, hunting cabins, and church potlucks. This war is anywhere your voice can be heard.
We must learn how to communicate without fear, and without forcing others into our own opinions.
I recommend every Tea Partier read the entire post. I’d like to hear your comments.