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So far JoeGuarino has created 54 blog entries.

VA TEA Party Federation Exec Comm Endorses Radtke

Today, the executive committee of the Virginia TEA Party Patriot Federation endorsed Jamie Radtke for the US Senate.  "Jamie understands that the proper role of government is to protect life, liberty, and property," the committee stated in its release.  They urged everyone to vote for Radtke in the GOP primary next Tuesday, June 12.

By |2012-06-08T10:55:40-04:00June 8th, 2012|Elections, Featured Categories, Tea Party|1 Comment

Do you know what must happen by next Monday?

Would you like to vote in the GOP primary 12 June?  If so, are you registered to vote in your precinct? IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS NOT PROPERLY REGISTERED BY NEXT MONDAY, 21 MAY, YOU MAY NOT VOTE IN THE PRIMARY 12 JUNE. If you have moved since you last voted, you may be [...]

By |2012-05-16T23:03:51-04:00May 16th, 2012|Elections, Featured Categories|0 Comments

George Allen’s Debate Debacle

George Allen made excuses for the $3.2 trillion national debt increase during his tenure in the US Senate, according to Jamie Radtke, who “savaged” Allen during the most recent debate amongst candidates vying for the GOP nomination.  Radtke went on to claim—and rightly so—that Allen was part of the problem.  View these comments and so [...]

By |2012-05-15T11:26:43-04:00May 15th, 2012|Elections, Featured Categories, Politics|0 Comments


That’s the sound of the federal debt rising under then-Sen. George Allen.  During his six years in office, the federal debt went from $5.72 BILLION to $8.68 BILLION.  Almost THREE TRILLION DOLLARS.  And so, in Nov. 2006, guess where Allen was?  GOOOOOONE!  Voted out of office.  And that’s where he should stay.   Every single [...]

By |2012-05-09T18:45:03-04:00May 9th, 2012|Elections, Featured Categories, Politics|0 Comments

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me ObamaCare!

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me ObamaCare! Supremes to Consider ObamaCare This Week  by Joe Guarino, chairman, Richmond TEA Party An obvious play on Patrick Henry’s famous quote—“Give me liberty, give me death!”—this is the essential crux of the battle over the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a., ObamaCare.  Do we Americans desire the liberty on which [...]

By |2012-03-26T19:28:27-04:00March 26th, 2012|Constitution, Government, Healthcare|1 Comment

Property Rights Victory in Virginia

On Monday, the Virginia General Assembly passed a landmark resolution affecting private property rights.  It paves the way for Virginians to vote on whether they would like their private property rights amended to the Virginia Constitution.  Later this year, on the same day we Virginians will vote for a US president and a new US [...]

By |2012-02-29T20:00:09-05:00February 29th, 2012|Government|1 Comment

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Protect the Constitution!

Over the past several years, judges across this country have increasingly turned to laws and precedents in other countries when deciding cases.  This is unconstitutional per Article VI, clause 2, of the US Constitution.  Virginia has decided to join other states in clearly outlining its public policy intent that its courts may only use American [...]

By |2012-02-09T21:55:26-05:00February 9th, 2012|Action Alerts, Constitution, Government|0 Comments

Don’t Be Tricked! — HB614 Must Be Stopped! This is Agenda 21

HB 614 must be stopped !  Committee meets tomorrow at 7am What will this bill do?   Don't be tricked....This bill will prevent localities from being able to amend their Comprehensive Plans if their plans already have UDA's, inspite of the Optional UDA's bills passing the General Assembly. See the contact list below and urge them to VOTE NO on [...]

By |2012-02-07T19:13:14-05:00February 7th, 2012|Action Alerts, Government|1 Comment

Action Alert: Assault on Property Rights Amendment SJ3

From the desk of Senator Mark Obenshain    ACTION ALERT: Opponents Planning Assault on Property Rights Amendment  Please Contact Your Senator Immediately to Insist on a Vote for the Property Rights Amendment (Obenshain's SJ 3)!    I don't write often to ask for help, but I need it now!!! We have been fighting for a Property [...]

By |2012-02-02T22:03:45-05:00February 2nd, 2012|Action Alerts, Government|0 Comments

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