As you know, Virginia does not have early voting, but it does have Absentee Ballot voting, which began on September 22nd and ends for in-person voting on November 3rd. To vote absentee, the reason for your not being able to vote in person on November 6th must be one of the reasons listed on the Absentee Ballot – and there are lots of reasons why someone may not be able to vote on November 6th, particularly all that’s going on with our family and work responsibilities, just to name a couple!
Here is a link to the Absentee Ballot Application for printing. Complete the Application and send it to your county registrar by October 30th. The Registrar will in turn mail you a ballot to complete and return.
However, and better yet, if you drive your Absentee Ballot Application to your county General Registrar’s office during normal business hours (8:30A-5:00P, Monday – Friday), you can cast your ballot while you are there! It’s called In-Person Absentee Voting! Very cool! Be sure to bring a form of identification – by now you should have received your newly issued Voter ID Card in the mail. Bank your vote before Election Day! Vote Absentee.
You can personally submit your Absentee Ballot Application up to close of business on November 3rd. But if you chose to snail-mail it, it must be received by the county registrar by October 30th.
NOTE: If you have volunteered and have been trained to be a Poll Watcher on Election Day, it is HIGHLY recommended that you vote by Absentee Ballot, since you may not be assigned to your voting precinct, or you may not have the time to vote given the Poll Watcher duties that you may have that day. Don’t take a chance!
>>>Poll Watchers: check box 8A on the Absentee Ballot Application: Designated representative of candidate or party inside polls. Print on the line “Supporting Information”: Republican Party
If you, or someone you know is not sure whether or not they will be able to vote on Election Day for any reason listed on the Absentee Ballot Application, it is HIGHLY recommended to complete an Absentee Ballot Application, mail it (preferably drive it!) to the county Registrar, and take the worry out of it! EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT!!
The Dem’s are pushing Absentee Voting as they did in 2008! Obama knew in 2008 that he had won Virginia even before the polls closed – primarily due to the high number of Absentee Votes the Dem’s banked before Election Day!
Please call or email our offices with any questions that you may have – don’t take a chance on not getting your vote counted! Vote Absentee if there is any doubt and bank it!
Photo ©Alan Cleaver