Urgent Notification of Meeting Location Change
Due to some deficiencies in the prior location, we’ve decided to switch locations to a more appropriate venue for for our emergency meeting tonight to discuss the recent betrayal on taxes and Medicaid expansion.
New Meeting Location:
Primerica Building (meeting room)
14405 Justice Rd
Midlothian, VA 23113
7PM to 9PM
It’s in the Primerica office. It says Primerica on front of the bldg., which is a one-story, brick bldg.
When you turn off Rte 60 (Midlothian Turnpike) onto N. Otterdale Rd., there’s a People’s United Bank on one corner and a Dominion Virginia Power bldg. on the other corner.
Please tell any of your contacts that you know may be attending this evening, and don’t hesitate to bring others with you.
We apologize for this change, but we believe that this change in location was required.
Thank you!
PS: If you haven’t yet registered, please do so here: