
Photo Credit Tony Gutierrez/AP

I know that lots of tea party folks like Governor Mike Huckabee, but he’s actually not so great of a politician… his record as governor has some serious problems. I’ve always seen him (in my opinion) as a shyster…a used car salesman-type (no offense to ETHICAL used car salesmen intended). And now this latest stance is but one more hole in his “I’m a conservative!” facade.

For those of you that understand the Common Core problem, this should make you crazy. Sounds like he’s implying that the fight isn’t worth fighting. Wouldn’t it be great to have more “conservatives” that actually fight for you?


[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential contender Mike Huckabee urged Republicans on Friday to “stop the fight” regarding Common Core and instead consider the standards’ possible benefits.[/quote]

From the Daily Caller:

Huckabee Asks GOP To Stop Common Core Feud | The Daily Caller.