By a vote of 59-34, the State Repeal Amendment resolution (HJ 542) passed the House of Delegates Tuesday.  The resolution calls upon Congress to convene a convention for the purpose of passing an amendment to Constitution that would allow states to repeal any federal law or regulation if two-thirds of them agree to it.

Speaker Bill Howell, the first state lawmaker to come out in favor of this resolution last year, issued a press release stating, “Checks and balances are at the heart of the U.S. Constitution and The Repeal Amendment is a timely and thoughtful check on the threat to American liberties posed by our presently out-of-control federal Congress and federal government.”  Patroned by Delegate James LeMunyon, the resolution is co-patroned by a total of 51 delegates.

Three Democrats–Dels. Johnny Joannou, Joe Johnson, and Onzlee Ware–joined 54 Republicans and two Independents in passing the measure.  Two Republicans–Dels. Bob Marshall and Brenda Pogge–joined 32 Democrats in voting against the measure.  One seat is vacant in the 100-seat House of Delegates.

The resolution will now go to the Senate.  If the Senate passes it, the resolution will be sent directly to Congress because the governor does not have to sign resolutions.