They Are Hearing From You!

  As part of our efforts to combat the massive tax hike recently passed by the General Assembly (HB2313), we wanted to let your republican representatives in the Richmond area know that you weren't happy. Not at ALL. Besides asking you to email Governor McDonnell to tell him to veto the bill, we called registered [...]

By |2013-03-26T01:25:26-04:00March 26th, 2013|Featured Categories, Government, Taxes|1 Comment

RTP Emergency Meeting

What’s the Difference between a Republican and a Democrat? That’s a trick question – there doesn’t seem to be much difference in Virginia anymore. Our Republican-majority legislature just passed the Governor’s transportation bill that increases taxes by $6.1BILLION over the next five years. This is after they subtract out the current retail gasoline tax. This [...]

By |2013-02-25T00:40:33-05:00February 24th, 2013|Action Alerts, Featured Categories, Tea Party|1 Comment

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