Senate Republicans Offer Amendment to Stop $108 Billion Bailout to Foreign Countries

Kudos to these Senators for finding a way to preserve hard-earned taxpayer money: "U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), David Vitter (R-Louisiana) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) today offered an amendment to the Economic Development Revitalization Act to roll back the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) ability to use $108 billion in taxpayer dollars [...]

By |2011-06-18T10:49:02-04:00June 18th, 2011|Economy|1 Comment

Who Will Top the Virginia Tea Party Patriot Convention Presidential Straw Poll?

PRESS RELEASE Nationally Known Speakers, Breakout Seminars & National Policy Experts Forum also Featured Richmond, Va. – One of the first presidential straw polls of the 2012 campaign will be a highlight of the inaugural Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention on Oct. 8-9 in Richmond, Va. The straw poll, administered by leading conservative media group [...]

By |2010-09-16T19:47:03-04:00September 16th, 2010|Press Releases, Tea Party|1 Comment

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