
For Immediate Release

Tea Party/Patriot Movement in Virginia Raises the Stakes

Date: January 7, 2010

(Richmond, VA)  The Tea Party/Patriot movement in Virginia has gathered significant strength with the formation of the Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation.  The non-partisan Federation is a coalition of tea party and 9/12 grassroots groups in Virginia.  The Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation (VTPPF) currently has 36 member organizations that represent more than 20,000 Virginians. 

“Our primary goal is to help local, independent patriot groups grow in numbers and influence.  Up until recently we have been a fragmented movement, but that has all changed and we are now united in Virginia,“ says Jamie Radtke, Chairman of the Federation .

“We will be a major player in Virginia politics moving forward.  This is so far beyond partisan politics for people involved in the tea party patriot movement.  All of us are sick of career politicians in both parties who have no regard for the Constitution or limited government.  The Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation gives the disenfranchised voter a place to call home.  If you want to fundamentally transform the way politics are played, we strongly encourage you to join your local tea party or patriot group.  Find your local group by visiting www.virginiateapartypatriots.com” stated Radtke.

Jamie continued, “We will always be about protests and rallies, but we are raising the stakes in 2010.  We will host debates, be involved in elections, advance legislation, build coalitions, grow our support and look to positively transform the political parties here in Virginia.  We will be the game changer here in Virginia in 2010.”

Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation Charter:

Virginia Tea Party Patriots (VTPP) is a statewide tea party federation of local, non-partisan patriot groups established to advance and strengthen the Founding principles and God-given rights predicated in the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions.  Our mission is to encourage and facilitate citizen participation in the political process and empower all citizens with a voice and influence in demanding Constitutional governance.  VTPP will help local, independent patriot groups grow in numbers and influence and nurture communication and collaboration among Virginia Tea Parties.
