The media continues to languish months to years behind the reality curve, reporting facts long after we in the Tea Party have known them. In the latest example, they’re just figuring out that we aren’t simply a bunch of angry, white males after all:
Many of the tea party’s most influential grass-roots and national leaders are women, and a new poll released this week by Quinnipiac University suggests that women might make up a majority of the movement as well.
The Richmond Tea Party is no exception. While we don’t know the exact male/female breakdown of all our supporters, we do know that women comprise a large portion – if not the majority – of the leadership.
The left, of course, doesn’t know what to do with this. They will try to ignore it or explain it away, because it doesn’t fit their narrow view of how women should align politically. But all the denial in the world won’t stop patriotic women from helping – and leading – the restoration of this nation to its founding principles.
To all the decent, hard-working women in the Richmond Tea Party, we say:
Thank you!
We love you!