We know that with recent developments in DC (and home here in Virginia) that it would be easy to be demoralized. But just like back when the tea party began in 2009, we are many, and we can be strong.

We also readily recognize that the RTP has not been visible/active over the last 1.5 years or so, due to a cascading series of events that impacted the coordinator team. Some of which were extremely positive, like members being selected to represent their areas within public office. But some of the other events were not as positive, and altogether put a huge strain on our ability to remain engaged. We are, after all, a 100% volunteer organization, with a myriad of “real life” responsibilities. We wish this was not the case…that we could have stayed active and engaged during these difficult events.

But we also know that corrupting and harmful forces never rest, and we don’t get to stay away for long. We’re seeing now what even a brief pause in activity can mean for the country… not only in Richmond, but across the country. This reminds us of the old saying (origin unclear):

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

This truism is as relevant today as it ever was, and it’s once again time to ratchet up that vigilance and transition into action.  We’re looking for volunteers to help manage backend organizational operations, so that we may develop a list of priorities and a strategy to achieve same. Of particular interest would be individuals with some professional/business background, to include being capable with tools like Microsoft Office suite, and the ability to draft PowerPoint presentations and similar graphics/video expertise. But if you don’t have those skills, please don’t let that hamper you from volunteering… we need people with widely varied skillsets if we’re going to be successful.

Additionally, if you know of meeting space we could use, we’d appreciate the heads-up and/or contact information. What would be perfect would be if there is some conservative business owner with empty office/warehouse space, or something similar. Right as the personal storm was hitting RTP, we also lost our meeting space at Richmond Alarm, so we’re back to being homeless. And of course we’re talking about after COVID-19 begins to fade, but we want to be prepared for when that happens.

Thank you for making it to the end of this post, and for still being out there, with us. Always remember, you are not alone.

-Your RTP organizer team