The RTP Minority Outreach and Action Committee (RTPMOAC) is very involved on the local level, bridging the gaps between communities and volunteering its time and resources to bring truth about the 5 Tea Party principles (among other goals) to ALL communities. Kevin Jackson of The Blacksphere said on his visit here with Joe “the Plumber” in 2011 that Richmond Tea Party was changing the face of the Tea Party nationally with the Minority Outreach Committee. Richmond is one of a very few in the country to offer such outreach.
In addition to the current 888 program that is designed and run by RTPMOAC 2 times a month for children in a local section 8 housing complex, RTPMOAC is planning to bring the monumental documentary “Runaway Slave” to Richmond for a free viewing event in the minority community. Our goal is to bring this very important documentary to Richmond THIS SUMMER! But we need your help. With over 4000 people signed up for RTP’s emails, if every one gave just $2 we would have all the money needed for this mega-event including speakers, venue and an advertising budget to blanket the community with ads to attract the largest crowd possible. For donations of $250 or more, donors will receive reserved seats at the event and a VIP reception. (We would also welcome donations from anyone who can offer catering services, t-shirt printing, AV services and advertising.)
If you can help with this important outreach event, please contribute here, and be sure to direct your donation the outreach committee on the donation form, so that we’ll know to assign your donation appropriately.
Thank you for any assistance you may provide, and watch for more activity on this initiative soon!
See the Runaway Slave Trailer here: