In a decision that absolutely no one finds shocking, the corrupt and partisan Department of Justice just decided that the IRS did not commit any crimes while it was targeting conservative groups with inappropriate and intrusive information requests, and while delaying and denying requests to obtain non-profit status for their organizations. (Press release) Of course, this was released in a cynical late Friday news dump, so as to get less media attention.
The demands on Richmond Tea Party were so outrageous that we were compelled to file a lawsuit instead of complying with IRS demands, because we knew we had to protect all of you from IRS targeting. This lawsuit (across various stages) is still pending today.
This decision only reinforces the opinion that the rule of law is fading in Washington DC, and that we continue headlong into larger lawlessness.
We’d like to thank Congressmen Brat (statement) and Goodlatte (statement) for issuing statements expressing disagreement with this decision, and we ask and encourage that our Virginia representatives continue to drive this issue forward…hopefully getting some justice for everyone impacted by the dishonest and corrupt actions of the IRS.
For more history, see our IRS archive here: IRS
For our supporters, we ask that you contact reps Brat, Forbes, and Goodlatte and encourage them to continue to fight for you.
Finally, RTP operates 100% on donations. If you could offer a small recurring or one-time donation, it would be GREATLY appreciated.
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Eric McGrane