Are you as tired as I am of progressives using “global warming” as an excuse for left-wing policies designed to tax and control us into submission?

Climate Hustle, an important new film that debunks the climate scare, will be playing in our area for a one night only theater event on May 2nd. We need to pack the house! Please spread the word. On that night it will be shown in 400 theaters nationwide.

Climate Hustle has been touted by the National Review as “Brutal and extremely funny.” Cal Thomas called the movie “Tremendous,” and Breitbart News proclaimed the film as “Dynamite.” Climate Hustle has also been discussed on Rush Limbaugh’s program, Fox News, Sean Hannity, and Sarah Palin.

So much of what the left claims as “settled science” is flat out wrong. It’s time that people learned the facts and wake up!

CFACT, the folks who educate the world about global warming with their “Climate Depot” news service have produced this fantastic movie that will open eyes and minds, lay out the scientific facts and keep us laughing while they do it.

CLIMATE HUSTLE, hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Marc Morano, reveals the history of climate scares including global cooling; debunks outrageous claims about temperatures, extreme weather, and the so-called “consensus;” exposes the increasingly shrill calls to “act immediately before it’s too late,” and in perhaps the film’s most important section, profiles key scientists who used to believe in climate alarm but have since converted to skepticism.

May 2nd will be an historic night. I’ll be at the movies (Westchester Commons), will you? It will be shown locally at 7pm Monday at the two theaters below. To reserve tickets go to or the theater sites below! BE THERE!


Climate Hustle Movie Banner

Thank you!