Celebrate Flag Day on Monday, June 14, with the Richmond Tea Party and fellow patriots. We will be having a picnic at Byrd Park at the Shields Lake Picnic Shelter.

Bring yourself, your family, and your friends along with a picnic dinner.

Beginning at 5:30, committee chairpersons and their teams will be on hand to answer your questions about volunteering.

At 6:30, we will have our welcome (our program includes a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and singing of the National Anthem) and then eat and mingle.

After dinner, we will have some fun games for all to participate.

Prizes will be given to most original salute to our flag using clothing.

Monday, June 14
5:30 – 8:00 pm

Byrd Park at the Shields Lake Picnic Shelter

Bring your own picnic dinner.

RSVP so we know how many to expect.

We look forward to seeing you!