Help get out the vote in a new & easy-to-understand way!

Richmond Tea Party has partnered with another conservative group to make use of their hi-tech, fully-automated (and expensive) phone system. Auto-dial & a short script makes calling effective and FAST!

We are doing a “flash” phone bank EVERY SATURDAY morning at 10 am! That’s when it’s most fun and productive! But, read on…

In addition, you can also phone or canvass anytime during the week! That’s right–we’ll accommodate your schedule! Just RSVP at ph*****@ao*.com.


Governor’s Square–Jamie Radtke’s Old Campaign Office
9840 Midlothian Turnpike
N. Chesterfield, VA 23235

ALSO! If you would rather canvass neighborhoods, you can also show up SATURDAYS at 10am! We can even create a customized walking list while you wait! Have a favorite area? No problem! That’s where you’ll be sent!

We also encourage you to volunteer at your local campaign office. The Cuccinelli Victory Office on Hull St. has a particular need this week for volunteers to pass out signs & campaign materials!

We’ve made it easier than ever! Now, let’s get out the vote!


See you there!