Partisan Dept of Justice Decides IRS Not Guilty of Crimes While Attacking Tea Party

In a decision that absolutely no one finds shocking, the corrupt and partisan Department of Justice just decided that the IRS did not commit any crimes while it was targeting conservative groups with inappropriate and intrusive information requests, and while delaying and denying requests to obtain non-profit status for their organizations. (Press release) Of course, [...]

By |2016-09-15T18:24:16-04:00October 24th, 2015|Constitution, Featured, Featured Categories, Government, Taxes, Tea Party|0 Comments

BOMBSHELL IRS REPORT: Yes, Tea Party Groups Were Targeted

Just as we all knew, an upcoming congressional report is reported to confirm that the IRS was targeting tea party-type groups for greater scrutiny and had plans for increased denials. Even though our initial lawsuit was tossed, this isn't over yet. Nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit like knowing that my government was leveraging its [...]

By |2014-12-23T00:56:41-05:00December 23rd, 2014|Constitution, Featured Categories, Politics, Taxes, Tea Party|1 Comment

Exec Dir Larry Nordvig “On the Record” with Greta

Click the link to see what Richmond Tea Party thinks about Lois Lerner retiring from the IRS on your dime!

By |2013-09-26T13:33:43-04:00September 26th, 2013|Government, Media, Politics, Video|0 Comments

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