What your representatives are doing (or not) about Quantitative Easing; UPDATE: Randy Forbes responds

On November 15th, the Virginia Tea Party Patriots sent a letter to the Virginia Congressional Delegation condemning the “Quantitative Easing” (i.e., printing money and causing inflation) strategy the Federal Reserve is pursing. We want to provide you with the responses we received. ---- Rep. Eric Cantor—who is a co-sponsor of the Audit the Fed bill—provided [...]

By |2010-12-08T00:03:50-05:00December 2nd, 2010|Federal Reserve|8 Comments

Republican Senators Don’t Get It, Either

Dammit! In 2008, citizens yearned for government to change its corrupt ways.  Obama exploited that sentiment and rode it to the presidency.  In the midterm elections, voters rejected Obama’s policies and showed that they yearn for change more than ever.  Like Obama two years ago, senate Republicans this year promised they would fight for change.  [...]

By |2010-11-08T19:06:36-05:00November 8th, 2010|Uncategorized|1 Comment

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