From the “America First Report“, news about advances toward making all money electronic and every purchase logged.

Are you ready for the government to monitor what you buy and sell on a daily basis?  Because that is what could happen if you start using the new “digital dollar” that they are now testing.  Of course using the new “digital dollar” would be voluntary at first, but what if it eventually becomes mandatory?  The use of physical currency continues to decline year after year, and some governments in Europe have already taken radical measures to phase out the use of cash.  Many among the elite consider digital currencies to be the key to a whole new era of  strict governmental control over the way that we live our lives, and there would be so much potential for abuse.

On Tuesday, an extremely ambitious 12 week test of the “digital dollar” was publicly announced.

Read it all.


Photo by Piotr Cichosz on Unsplash