I want to follow up on Jamie’s post yesterday about the pending Cap and Trade resolution scheduled for next week.

Because the Senate has been unable to pass legislation on this, the EPA is preparing to simply regulate CO2 on their own without a single vote or word of input from you. Senator Murkowski, though, has introduced a resolution that would strip the EPA of their power to do this. Her resolution already has 41 co-sponsors.

Senators Webb and Warner (especially Webb, as he is the more likely to be persuaded) must know where we stand on this issue. E-mail, call, and visit their offices, letting them know you don’t support a tax on air that will crush businesses and increase the cost of energy on all Americans. The last thing we need during a down economy is to pay higher energy bills.

But on a broader level, they must know that we are aware this is yet another huge power grab and we are committed fighting it. We don’t support unelected, unaccountable government agencies doing whatever they please. If they can, why do we even have the legislative process? Further, if CO2 can be regulated at the whims of the EPA, government now has the power to tell businesses and individuals how to live their lives. They can force you to pay to upgrade your heating and cooling units and replace your household appliances with energy efficient ones, regulate the temperature in your homes, and make you purchase whatever car they deem safe for the environment. That’s just for starters. Believe me, they will take it much farther and do things you never even would have thought of. The possibilities are endless. And there will be nothing you can do about it.

Now is the time to stop this. Contact Webb and Warner. A group will be visiting Webb’s downtown office (5th and Franklin) at 11:00 am tomorrow. Be there to fight for your (and your children’s) liberties.