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So far JoeGuarino has created 54 blog entries.

US House to vote to repeal ObamaCare

According to reports from Capitol Hill newspapers, the US House plans to take a vote on repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a.k.a., ObamaCare, next Wednesday, January 12.  Because the Republicans are in the majority, they will be keeping their campaign promise to make repeal of the law a top-tier issue.  They [...]

By |2011-01-04T00:07:35-05:00January 4th, 2011|Healthcare|1 Comment

Dems’ Last-Minute, $1.1 Trillion Spending Feast

The Dems in Congress just don't get it.  They aren't listening to the American people, who sent a resounding message Nov. 2 that they don't desire any more spending and they desire massive cuts in spending.  Instead, the Congressional Dems are poised to pass a spending bill of $1.1 trillion. And critics wonder whether the [...]

By |2011-03-01T23:22:36-05:00December 15th, 2010|Economy|0 Comments

VA Judge Rules Insurance Mandate Unconstitutional

In a decision that was expected, US Fourth District Court Judge Henry Hudson ruled in a 42-page opinion that the federal government overstepped its powers enumerated in the US Constitution when it passed a law requiring that all Americans must purchase health insurance. Also known as the "individual mandate," the judge ruled that the federal [...]

By |2010-12-13T15:58:38-05:00December 13th, 2010|Healthcare|0 Comments

Time for a QEA Party!

“Arrest him!” he said.  “Arrest him!” “Why?” said helpless Uncle Sam. “Because he’s stolen my wallet and my shorts.  And, if I turn my back again, he’ll take the shirt off my back!” And so goes the story between Joe Citizen and Uncle Sam as they ponder what to do about Ben Bernanke. Then one [...]

By |2010-11-11T11:16:07-05:00November 11th, 2010|Constitution, Federal Reserve, Tea Party|0 Comments

Whose side are YOU on?

It seems the more the TEA Party movement grows, the more America likes us.  According to a new Rasmussen poll, 79% of likely GOP primary voters like us TEA Party Patriots.  Let's break this down.  "Likely" means this person intends to vote; he or she is not just a registered voter, but an active voter. [...]

By |2010-11-09T21:12:11-05:00November 9th, 2010|Tea Party|0 Comments

RNC’s Michael Steele: “We ARE on probation!”

Today, on Fox News at 12:30 pm, VTPP president Jamie Radtke joined two other TEA Party leaders to discuss the impact of the TEA Party movement on the recent elections.  When the leaders were asked what message they had for the GOP, Jamie said, "They are on probation."  In the very next segment, the RNC [...]

By |2010-11-04T15:19:55-04:00November 4th, 2010|Tea Party|2 Comments

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