We MUST defeat Obamacare!

All of us must work together to defeat Obamacare and save us from the shackles of Socialism! I won’t beat around the bush…this takes money! I’m asking you to help by donating to our Obamacare Moneybomb!

So far, supporters of Richmond Tea Party have already seen amazing results from our efforts. Through our web posts, emails, letter campaigns, and “Cantor Encounter” demonstration & town hall, we not only changed the Majority Leader’s vote, but kept the pressure on others as well! It’s working!!!

But, all of this costs money. Our subscription to Voter Voice (used in our Action Center) allows you to instantly contact your reps! We rented the Marriott Commonwealth Ballroom, in which we held a town hall, filmed it, and put it on Youtube for the public and the media to see! The eye-catching “Defund Obamacare” signs we had made were seen at rallies, in newspaper pictures, and on web sites around the world! Over 150 letters were sent by YOU to Congressman Cantor, all of which needed stamps. Behind-the-scenes costs also needed to be covered…sound systems, flags, banners, water bottles, and dozens of other items. Without a doubt, this has been money WELL SPENT! We’re WINNING!

But we’re NOT DONE YET! We have more plans to defeat Obamacare! Robo-calls, radio ads, more Action Center letters are all possibilities, but we can’t do it without money. So, we’re asking you to go to our DONATE page and give to Richmond Tea Party. Your money will be used to defeat Obamacare!

Just click here or click the DONATE button (visible in the upper-right corner).

The Obamacare clock is ticking! Give now and we’ll drop a MoneyBomb on Obamacare!

Thank you in advance for your support!