When true believers in man-made global warming look into their crystal balls, they tell us that nothing but misfortune awaits.

In an op-ed for the May 25 Forbes.com blog, James M. Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at the Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News, wrote about several gloomy predictions that these misfortune tellers have made and compared them with what actually happened:

Prediction (1979)–The west Antarctic ice sheet will melt before the year 2000 and inundate American coastlines with up to 25 feet of sea level rise.

  • Result—The ice sheet is little changed and many of us still vacation at the sea shore, also little changed.

Prediction (2000)—After just a few years, snow will never again fall in England.

  • Result—The past two years were some of the snowiest on record.

Prediction (2007)—The glaciers in the Himalayas will melt by 2035.

  • Result—The prediction was withdrawn when it was analyzed and found to lack any scientific evidence, while a good deal of evidence runs counter to the claim.

Prediction (June 2008)—There’s a 50-50 chance the North Pole will be ice-free in a year.  “The media reported the prediction with a frenzy rarely equaled even among media-created global warming scares. Adding fuel to the fire, global warming alarmists lined up in droves to add their John Hancock to the claim,” Taylor said. One believer claimed it was quite likely the north pole would be exposed in just a few months.

  • Result—Nothing happened.

“(S)pectacularly wrong global warming predictions, about polar ice and many other global warming-related issues, (are) par for the course for global warming alarmists,” Taylor said.