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So far JoeGuarino has created 54 blog entries.

Not a Pretty Night for VA Senate Republicans

THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC ACCESS PROJECT     Fortunately for the Republicans, they managed to retain all seven of their contested seats, which actually included three open seats.  Bill Carrico won handily in Sen. 40, replacing retired Bill Wampler.  Former delegate and archconservative Dick Black (Sen. 13) and newcomer and TP favorite Tom Garrett (Sen. 22) [...]

By |2011-11-09T08:57:53-05:00November 9th, 2011|Elections|0 Comments

ELECTION NIGHT 2011 – Live Results

Election Night - Live Senate Results at vpap.org   Tonight, VPAP staff and volunteers will be compiling live Senate results.   All contested races shown on a single page.   Spend election night at vpap.org     While you're waiting for results, here are some links of interest:     VPAP Election Features   VIDEO: Who [...]

By |2011-11-08T14:13:52-05:00November 8th, 2011|Elections|0 Comments

For Whom am I Voting?

Folks, If you’re like me, over the past few days, you’ve probably had some friends—who know you’re politically active—ask you that favorite question of the season: “So, Joe.  Whom should I vote for?”  While this bugs me that they haven’t taken the time to know, reality is that most folks don’t take the time. What’s [...]

By |2011-11-07T10:35:06-05:00November 7th, 2011|Elections|0 Comments

50 – 50 – 50+ Campaign

From an editorial in The News & Advance, “Apathy Will Be the Death of Society Yet,” the editors opine:   In just a few weeks, voters in Virginia will head to the polls to elect their representatives to the General Assembly and to fill local offices all over the commonwealth. Well, a few of us will, at least. Earlier this [...]

By |2011-10-20T17:53:40-04:00October 20th, 2011|Action Alerts, Elections|0 Comments

Quinnipiac Polling in Virginia

Could the unique and positive ratings for VA have something to do with the great work that Tea Parties across VA have been doing, holding our elected officials accountable in a way unseen before?       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 17, 2011 Contact: Kathy Roberts (540) 371-7402 kroberts@house.virginia.gov   Speaker Howell Statement on Recent Quinnipiac Polling in Virginia  [...]

By |2011-10-18T14:14:13-04:00October 18th, 2011|Government|0 Comments

Virginia to be Saddled with more Federal Mandates via ObamaCare

From: United States Republican Policy Committee September 15, 2011 The CLASS Act's Untold Story The report of the CLASS Act Working Group was publicly released this morning, and can be found online here. The report analyzes internal HHS [Health and Human Services] documents showing the problems with CLASS that the Administration ignored in the rush to [...]

By |2011-09-15T11:43:42-04:00September 15th, 2011|Healthcare|1 Comment

ObamaCare Bombshell: 4th Circuit Court cases might be dismissed

According to the Washington Examiner, a weird and twisted turn of events might kill the VA lawsuits against ObamaCare. "...the Fourth Circuit ... ordered the parties to file supplemental briefs by May 31 explaining the consequences if the court holds that the Anti-Injunction Act applies [which] applies to federal taxes. "This means that the appellate [...]

By |2011-05-31T20:11:40-04:00May 31st, 2011|Government|3 Comments

Senate chairmen breaking their own rules

(As discussed on WRVA’s Doc Thompson Show, Friday, Feb. 4) Is it OK for state senators to break the rules when conducting General Assembly business?  More specifically, does a Senate subcommittee have the authority to take final action on a bill referred to it by a committee chairman? Last year and this year, bills in [...]

By |2011-05-24T01:12:47-04:00February 4th, 2011|Government, Media, Politics, Video|3 Comments

ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional, law must be declared void

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a.k.a., ObamaCare, was ruled unconstitutional today by Florida Judge Roger Vinson.  And because the "individual mandate" to purchase health insurance was thrown out, he also wrote in his decision that the entire law must be declared void. In his decision, Vinson wrote: "While the individual mandate was clearly [...]

By |2011-01-31T16:28:36-05:00January 31st, 2011|Constitution, Healthcare|3 Comments

Repeal Amendment resolution passes House

By a vote of 59-34, the State Repeal Amendment resolution (HJ 542) passed the House of Delegates Tuesday.  The resolution calls upon Congress to convene a convention for the purpose of passing an amendment to Constitution that would allow states to repeal any federal law or regulation if two-thirds of them agree to it. Speaker [...]

By |2011-01-25T16:59:25-05:00January 25th, 2011|Constitution|5 Comments

Repeal Amendment resolution hits first bump

Democrats put the first bump in the road for the Virginia TEA Party Federation's marquis measure, the State Repeal Amendment resolution, by voting 4-3 against it in a public hearing. The resolution calls upon the US Congress to convene a convention for the sole purpose of passing only one amendment to the US Constitution.  This [...]

By |2011-01-18T15:00:02-05:00January 18th, 2011|Constitution, Government|0 Comments

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