Main “lumped” category for both video and photos

New Video Hits McAuliffe on Obamacare Disaster

The Conservative Campaign Committee just released this video hitting VA gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe on his support for the failing Obamacare program. Do you think this is an effective video? Too far? Not far enough? Sound off in the comments!

By |2013-10-27T02:22:58-04:00October 27th, 2013|Elections, Featured Categories, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Video|0 Comments

Some Perspective on the Debt Ceiling (Video)

As we begin to hear about how terrible the republicans are due to their concern about the debt ceiling, I thought some perspective may be in order. Of course, both parties use this method to criticize the other, so this isn't just a democrat problem. However, when using the arguments presented, BOTH parties are correct: [...]

By |2013-10-08T18:01:53-04:00October 8th, 2013|Economy, Featured Categories, Media, Video|0 Comments

Exec Dir Larry Nordvig “On the Record” with Greta

Click the link to see what Richmond Tea Party thinks about Lois Lerner retiring from the IRS on your dime!

By |2013-09-26T13:33:43-04:00September 26th, 2013|Government, Media, Politics, Video|0 Comments

Sep 4th “Cantor Encounter!” Press Release

Richmond, VA—The Richmond Tea Party announces the “Cantor Encounter!” event. This is a street demonstration outside Congressman Eric Cantor’s office, followed by a town hall. The event will be held September 4th. The Richmond Tea Party and fellow grass roots activists will be joined by Jenny Beth Martin, National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, L. [...]

“DC March for Jobs” Recap

RTP Rallies to Protest Amnesty and to Support the Rule of Law Last Monday, supporters of the Richmond Tea Party did it again! We loaded folks onto 2 buses and headed up the highway to Washington, D.C., this time to take part in the “DC March for Jobs.” The event was reminiscent of the anti-IRS [...]

Global Warming Scare Is Dying

[column col="1/2"]Well, there hasn't been much talk lately about "global warming", except in the context of trying to shutter America's coal industry. Perhaps this is because the scaremongering is unraveling, that folks are beginning to realize that the science and contemporary observation just simply doesn't support the theories/models for climate change. There's some very frank [...]

By |2013-07-20T23:50:18-04:00July 20th, 2013|Energy, Featured Categories, Media, Video|0 Comments

Outrage: Government Harvesting Your Data

Huge news all over the Internet today detailing how your personal data (to include emails & photos) are being harvested and archived by the federal government.   More on this story at TheBlaze.

By |2013-06-06T23:38:07-04:00June 6th, 2013|Constitution, Featured Categories, Government, Media, Video|0 Comments

Sequester Lies – Making it Hurt (Intentionally)

You have likely seen discussion recently regarding "sequestration", or the mandatory federal budget cuts (a decrease in the INCREASE of spending, but that's another story) that were signed into law last year by President Obama. Now, those cuts are mandatory, but where to apply them is completely at the whims of our government. There is [...]

By |2013-03-24T16:52:08-04:00March 24th, 2013|Economy, Featured Categories, Media, Video|0 Comments

Stop the Common Core

Why in the world is the federal government involved in setting nationwide education standards? Exactly where is that power given to the federal government? Don't these people realize that you get the absolute BEST education outcomes when states are free to experiment/manage their own education methods and standards? We're supposed to have 50 individual experiment [...]

By |2013-03-17T01:19:17-04:00March 17th, 2013|Education, Featured Categories, Media, Video|2 Comments

Dr. Benjamin Carson attacks political correctness as the President listens intently

Dr. Benjamin Carson delivered a noteworthy National Prayer Breakfast keynote speech in President Barack Obama’s presence Carson attacked political correctness as a “dangerous” threat to free speech and encouraged Americans to boldly share their views The pediatric neurosurgeon also provided his theories about the national debt, deficits, taxation and health care, taking stances that were [...]

By |2013-02-08T20:26:45-05:00February 8th, 2013|Economy, Featured Categories, Government, Media, Politics, Video|0 Comments

Washington: Anything But Balanced

    Spending always increases. Balanced approach? No way, no how. The government spending machine marches on, devouring all. I see no end on the horizon. It is with this understanding that we must continue. Perseverance will win the day.   Watch this video from the Tea Party Patriots national group. Don't be discouraged...there's folks [...]

By |2013-01-17T22:05:42-05:00January 17th, 2013|Featured Categories, Government, Media, Tea Party, Video|0 Comments

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