C-SPAN Covers House Hearing of Obamacare Deceiver Johnathan Gruber

Most of you are probably aware that the House Oversight Committee called Johnathan Gruber and Marilyn Tavenner to testify today about the tactics used to construct support for the Patient Protection and Afforable Care Act (Obamacare). Gruber was caught on video several times essentially admitting that the government deceived the American public on the expected [...]

By |2014-12-09T23:14:44-05:00December 9th, 2014|Featured Categories, Government, Healthcare, Video|1 Comment

ACTION ALERT: Comment NOW on high-speed rail expansion in Virginia!

Attention supporters: There is effort underway to expand high-speed rail service in Virginia, all the way through Chesterfield. High-speed rail has proven to be a relative debacle nearly everywhere implemented, especially where there is not a significant population center to utilize its services (major metro areas). Precedent indicates that this would become a HUGE taxpayer funding hole [...]

By |2014-12-11T01:26:51-05:00December 5th, 2014|Action Alerts, Featured Categories, Government, Taxes|0 Comments

House Leadership set to cave on fighting Obama’s executive overreach

Well...it's become so common now that we almost can't act surprised, but reports are coming out that John Boehner and republican leadership have no intention of using the power of the purse to slap down President Obama's outrageous power grab (exerted for actions on illegal alien amnesty). We'd like to think that there is representation [...]

By |2014-12-03T00:27:32-05:00December 3rd, 2014|Featured Categories, Government|0 Comments

Saturday Night Live teaches how legislation is created in Washington

Many of you may remember the old "Schoolhouse Rock" animated cartoon shorts that played on Saturday mornings years ago. One of these clips discussed how bills are passed...through the House and Senate. Well, SNL showcases how legislation is created in the current mad, mad world of D.C. and executive orders/actions.

By |2014-11-26T02:18:25-05:00November 26th, 2014|Featured Categories, Government, Media, Video|0 Comments

RTP Monthly Meeting – November 20th 2014

Come join us for our November meeting! Heads-up for our next monthly meeting....due to the holidays we're switching up a bit and holding it THIS Thursday night at 7:00. As we did last month, we'll be gathering in our new meeting space, graciously provided by the good folks at Richmond Alarm Company. This new space [...]

By |2014-11-16T22:57:20-05:00November 16th, 2014|Action Alerts, Featured Categories, Government|0 Comments

Learn to be EFFECTIVE: November Self-Governance Classes

We believe strongly that taking the courses from the Center for Self-Governance is one of the best ways to learn to be an effective activist. The courses are to be taken in order (required), with each student progressing up through the classes until completed. Below is the upcoming schedule for classes in Virginia. We encourage [...]

By |2014-10-29T21:15:05-04:00October 29th, 2014|Education, Featured Categories, Government, Politics|0 Comments

So our IRS lawsuit got tossed…

As expected, the path to justice in our IRS lawsuit will be bumpy. We learned Thursday that our consolidated lawsuit (41 groups) against the IRS for targeting the Richmond Tea Party was dismissed by the federal district court in DC (shocker, I know). From our attorney, the American Center for Law & Justice: Yesterday a [...]

By |2014-10-27T19:23:42-04:00October 27th, 2014|Constitution, Featured Categories, Government, Tea Party|0 Comments

Chesterfield County School Board mishandling your money?

The numbers are not adding up regarding Capital Improvement Plans in Chesterfield County, to the point that the Chesterfield Observer is now covering the controversy. There's millions of dollars in funding that to-date can't be properly explained...and when I say "funding" I mean "your money". And school system spokesman Tim Bullis wasn't interested in answering [...]

By |2014-10-15T22:51:40-04:00October 15th, 2014|Featured Categories, Government|0 Comments

Is the Republican Leadership about to Kneecap Conservatives?

Interesting article today on Conservative Review detailing how House Speaker John Boehner may be about to launch an attack on House conservatives. If the republicans pick up some House seats in November using squishy moderate candidates, Boehner may begin to get the numbers he needs to partner with democrats to ram through whatever part of [...]

By |2014-10-15T01:59:00-04:00October 15th, 2014|Elections, Featured Categories, Government|0 Comments

DOJ To Give Money From Bank Of America Settlement To Liberal Activist Groups

As a conservative activist, sometimes its very depressing and disheartening to see the volume of funding against which we are fighting. Relying solely on donations and self-funding by our coordinator team, we're always one wrong step away from being in perilous financial hardship (more so than any normal day). Now to see hundreds of thousands [...]

By |2014-08-29T00:33:17-04:00August 29th, 2014|Featured Categories, Government, Tea Party|0 Comments

Save America: Secure the Border – Travis Witt

From Travis Witt, chairman of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, comes commentary on the current border crisis. The federal government's complete unwillingness to perform one of it's most basic and fundamental responsibilities is both concerning and unexpected, unfortunately. Below is an excerpt of his comments, and click the link to jump to the full [...]

By |2014-07-13T14:21:45-04:00July 13th, 2014|Constitution, Featured Categories, Government|0 Comments

Breaking News: Vetoes Fail; Budget Passes

As some of you may know, the VA General Assembly passed a budget, but Governor McAuliffe vetoed some sections of it before signing. However just tonight, a special session of the General Assembly rejected the vetoes related to Medicaid expansion (and other veto activity), resulting in the final VA budget! See The Bull Elephant blog [...]

By |2014-06-23T23:10:40-04:00June 23rd, 2014|Featured Categories, Government|0 Comments

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