Meet John Doe the “Enabler”

Google defines "enabler" as a person who through his or her actions allows someone to achieve something. Most often the term "enabler" is associated with people who allow loved ones to behave in ways that are destructive. For example, a friend enables a compulsive spender by lending them money to get out of debt. In [...]

By |2010-09-04T11:13:44-04:00September 4th, 2010|Taxes|0 Comments

Rep. Eric Cantor Making News

Two things from Rep. Eric Cantor. First is an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor that I thought I’d post, in case you missed it last week. Laura Ingraham filled in for O’Reilly and pressed Rep. Cantor on his commitment to, among other things, repealing ObamaCare. This is an issue we’ve been highlighting on this blog, [...]

By |2010-09-02T19:08:15-04:00September 2nd, 2010|Healthcare, Taxes|8 Comments

Top Ten Reasons Why Congress Hates the Tea Party & Patriot groups (and why you should register for the Oct. 8-9 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention

Top Ten Reasons Why Congress Hates the Tea Party & Patriot groups (and why you should register for the Oct. 8-9 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention at 10. Most Tea Party & Patriot group supporters actually work for a living, and it’s human nature not to like people who are so very different from [...]

By |2010-08-30T22:18:14-04:00August 30th, 2010|Constitution, Economy, Elections, Taxes, Tea Party, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Heritage Foundation brings us this video on the coming Tax Tsunami of 2011 courtesy of President Obama and Congress:

By |2010-08-14T18:49:11-04:00August 14th, 2010|Taxes|0 Comments

Time to Kiss Your 401(k) Goodbye?

Very few people appreciate the extent to which the dollar is embedded in world trade, and what it means for the U.S. Dollar to be the world's “reserve currency”. In fact, two-thirds of world trade is conducted in U.S. Dollars. The strength of the dollar is based on the strength of the U.S. economy. Historically, [...]

By |2010-08-14T14:11:10-04:00August 14th, 2010|Economy, Taxes|2 Comments

Democrats admit Tea Partiers were right all along

Get this: Two more Senate Democrats called for extending tax cuts for all earners—including those with the highest incomes—in what appears to be a breakdown of the party's consensus on the how to handle the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts. Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) said in an interview Wednesday that Congress shouldn't allow taxes [...]

By |2010-07-22T21:58:42-04:00July 22nd, 2010|Taxes|1 Comment

Largest Tax Increase in History

The Largest Tax Hikes in History >From Ryan Ellis on Thursday, July 1, 2010 4:15 PM  In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect.    They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011: First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax [...]

By |2010-07-12T12:17:19-04:00July 12th, 2010|Taxes|0 Comments

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