ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional, law must be declared void

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a.k.a., ObamaCare, was ruled unconstitutional today by Florida Judge Roger Vinson.  And because the "individual mandate" to purchase health insurance was thrown out, he also wrote in his decision that the entire law must be declared void. In his decision, Vinson wrote: "While the individual mandate was clearly [...]

By |2011-01-31T16:28:36-05:00January 31st, 2011|Constitution, Healthcare|3 Comments

Repeal Amendment resolution passes House

By a vote of 59-34, the State Repeal Amendment resolution (HJ 542) passed the House of Delegates Tuesday.  The resolution calls upon Congress to convene a convention for the purpose of passing an amendment to Constitution that would allow states to repeal any federal law or regulation if two-thirds of them agree to it. Speaker [...]

By |2011-01-25T16:59:25-05:00January 25th, 2011|Constitution|5 Comments

Next Steps to Repeal Obamacare? As Many as it Takes.

The House of Representatives yesterday, by a 245-189 vote, passed landmark legislation for the repeal of the governmental overreach known as Obamacare. Votes in favor included three Democrats, although Virginia’s Dems voted “nay”.   It may help to take time for a call or note to those who have honored well-considered campaign promises. We should [...]

By |2011-01-20T19:11:50-05:00January 20th, 2011|Constitution, Economy, Healthcare|0 Comments

Hear Cuccinelli urge the Repeal Amendment

For your viewing pleasure, in case you weren’t able to make the Lobby Day rally yesterday, here’s keynote speaker Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli: Pay close attention to his discussion of the Repeal Amendment (starting at 5:53), which he strongly supports and has been publicly promoting, including even on Chris Matthews’s show. Cuccinelli addresses some of [...]

By |2011-01-19T14:20:00-05:00January 19th, 2011|Constitution, Government|1 Comment

Repeal Amendment resolution hits first bump

Democrats put the first bump in the road for the Virginia TEA Party Federation's marquis measure, the State Repeal Amendment resolution, by voting 4-3 against it in a public hearing. The resolution calls upon the US Congress to convene a convention for the sole purpose of passing only one amendment to the US Constitution.  This [...]

By |2011-01-18T15:00:02-05:00January 18th, 2011|Constitution, Government|0 Comments

Having a “Town Hall” Mindset

I attended the Town Hall Wednesday evening at James River High School in Chesterfield County. Sponsored by The Virginia Tea Party Patriots Cooperative Legislative Action Committee and moderated by RTP’s Legislative Committee Chairman Joe Guarino, the event attracted (my estimate) 150-200 citizens and seven state legislators: Delegate M. Kirkland Cox Delegate Riley E. Ingram Delegate [...]

By |2011-01-06T12:59:21-05:00January 6th, 2011|Constitution|1 Comment

Constitutional Incompetence May Kill the “Food Safety” Bill

For once, I’m thankful for our “representatives’” total ineptitude when it comes to the Constitution they swore to uphold. The Food Safety Bill, which passed the Senate on Tuesday, is in serious jeopardy, because that pesky Constitution (Article 1, Section 7, specifically) tripped up Harry Reid (again). From RollCall: A food safety bill that has burned up [...]

By |2010-12-01T12:55:47-05:00December 1st, 2010|Constitution|1 Comment

Time for a QEA Party!

“Arrest him!” he said.  “Arrest him!” “Why?” said helpless Uncle Sam. “Because he’s stolen my wallet and my shorts.  And, if I turn my back again, he’ll take the shirt off my back!” And so goes the story between Joe Citizen and Uncle Sam as they ponder what to do about Ben Bernanke. Then one [...]

By |2010-11-11T11:16:07-05:00November 11th, 2010|Constitution, Federal Reserve, Tea Party|0 Comments

Debt Clock Time Machine: Back to the Future?

Have you looked at the national debt clock lately? It has a handy “time machine” feature (top right corner) that is frightening in what it portends for our federal budget if we continue with our out-of-control federal spending. While 2010 looks pretty bad, with a national debt of $13.7 trillion, the clock projects $17.4 trillion in [...]

By |2010-11-06T14:51:57-04:00November 6th, 2010|Constitution, Elections, Taxes, Tea Party|0 Comments

RTP Blogger in Richmond Times-Dispatch

Our own Craig Comess has an excellent column in today's Times-Dispatch about constitutional adherence. Check it out: If Congress can require us to purchase health care, what is there to stop lawmakers from requiring that we all get regular medical checkups, join a gym, or start a government-approved diet if we exceed a certain body/mass [...]

By |2010-10-03T12:52:37-04:00October 3rd, 2010|Constitution|0 Comments

Is the Tea Party the GOP? Is the GOP the Tea Party?

It depends who you ask. If you ask the GOP leadership, "we're all the Tea Party..." Read about it here. To excerpt: House Republican leader John Boehner says: "There really is no difference between what Republicans believe in and what the Tea Party activists believe in." Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele says: "If I [...]

By |2010-09-17T23:20:45-04:00September 17th, 2010|Constitution, Elections, Tea Party, Uncategorized|2 Comments

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